The Bewildered Gardener: Clockwork Camellias


As you know, I am an accidental gardener.  Thus, every single year, on February 15ish, when our camellia bush puts on the show dog, I am simply amazed. It’s like clockwork. All the other flowering shrubs are still getting their beauty sleeps, and yet the camellia thinks it’s time to say, “HELLO DAAHLING!” (I think that’s how she might say it, if she could talk.)




And, it’s possible that our show-off Southern florabelle must know she has a fan club.  Of all of our Pinterest pins, this one (shown below) has been re-pinned the most. We have even had a bride-to-be contact us to find out the way she could replicate these for her wedding. We were proud.


If you would like to receive some excellent camellia decor cred, you can try this treatment above: stemless wine goblets (from Target $9.99) + camellia blooms + water = perfect. And, perfectly easy. Plus, when they have gone to camellia heaven, you can use your wine goblets for … well, wine … perhaps a rosé in honor of the flowers that christened them.

If your blooms are a bit smaller, as ours are this year, you can put several in one bowl. I picked these three today. They are happily floating together emanating just a faint scent … and hint of springtime to come.



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