Happy December! If you are reading this, you might be thinking “Wait. What? I thought Cathy and Jules only created wall decals.” Surprise! We also license our designs for some wonderful products that are unique and perfect for the little ones on your list. From bamboo meal sets to soft books to tooth pillows … these are a few of our favorite things that we like to give to our own friends. And you can, too! (before they are sold out for the season)

Nifty gifties above created with the great team at Primitives by Kathy: (1) Rainbow Bamboo Mealtime Setis BPA-free, thoughtfully made with bamboo fibers, and packaged in a high-quality kraft paper box making it ready for easy gifting … This is our 3-year-old’s go-to plate when he is eating his version of the rainbow foods (avocado and cheese) (2) Counting Sun & Rainbows Soft Book is perfect for new babies who are starting to see shapes and colors, like our new 3-month-old studio baby. We think he might even be counting in his head. “He’s a genius,” as reported by Nana. (3) The Rainbow Nesting Puzzle is fun for play or display. I love to use it for my own shelfie accent piece. (4) You Are My Rainbow Bib Set comes in very handy when your little toddler’s favorite lunch is an acai bowl … a deep dark rich purple acai bowl! ;-)

(5) Bee Skep Bookends because you can never start too early to love the bees. (6) Bee Tooth Fairy Pillow includes a pocket on the back for tucking a little tooth to exchange for a tooth fairy surprise. It’s so important to bee ready! ;-) (7) Woodland Milestone Blocks are super easy to place around your precious, yet squiggly, Instagram model (8) We especially love the Hedgehog Burp Cloth Set … These are a fail-safe gift because new parents can never have enough cute burp cloths … they are in every picture! Plus, these are SO soft. If I were the baby, I would want to be burped all the time!
So there you have it … a few favorites, and many more in the shop. We hope we are able to help you cross a few items off of your list. And we wish you a very happy holiday season surrounded by family and friends, little and big.
Merry, merry from Cathy and Jules and the Mej Mej team