And the winner is….
By Ellen Heck on March 4, 201120Read moreThe random number generator picked commenter #8 to win the three-piece Baby Bots keepsake set. Congratulations, Tracy! We’d also like to thank all of you who participated for your sweet comments, and don’t worry, you’ll have another chance to win a keepsake set for boys when we introduce our Alex collection next week, so please stay tuned…
Design Sponge Inspiration and a Floral Happenstance
By Cathy on March 2, 2011Read moreI often begin my day with a perusal of the Design Sponge posts, which are waiting for me in my email in-box. It’s like a daily dose of inspiration. Today, I was inspired by reading this post about Constance Spry, a British floral designer in the 1920s. I often need to create flower arrangements as props for photos of our
Home/Studio, Studio/Home: Pros and Cons
By Cathy on March 1, 2011Read moreSometimes we are not sure if we work in our home or live in our studio. Today on the kitchen counter can be found piles of flowers for our photo shoot and piles of grapes for the girls’ lacrosse game tonight. Ah, the Home/Office Conundrum. Con: You really never leave your workplace. Pro: Easy multi-tasking on Snack Mom days. Do
Giveaway! A Gift from Baby Bot and Friends
By Cathy on February 24, 2011Read moreRoborapture! Our Baby Bot samples have arrived … and the studio is full of beautiful new products manufactured by the wonderful folks at C.R. Gibson. We are celebrating with a giveaway of three hot-off-the-press pieces to one lucky winner next Friday. (See photos and learn more at the end of the post.) This collection is for a hip new baby
D.I.Y.: Make-Your-Own Card Games, Double the Fun
By Ellen Heck on February 17, 2011Read moreWhen we were in Budapest over the holidays, our friend introduced us to Lost Cities, and I’m embarrassed to admit that I could have geeked-out over that card game all week instead of following our travel guide through the real city – lost in snow. So when we returned, I thought it would be interesting to design a revised version