Sixteen Minus Ten Birthday Party


16BDParty2For some reason, our almost 16-year old decided that she wanted to relive all of her favorite childhood birthday parties before she dove into the grown-up-ness that comes with that new driver’s license. It was a fairy-tale party from beginning to end. It started with all things pink, an Easter Egg Hunt (with cascarones, of course*), a Disney Princess“jumpy thing,” pizza, birthday cake and culminated with the opening day of the new Hannah Montana movie, which was corny, sappy and totally satisfying! Happy Birthday little/big princess!

* Cascarones are eggs filled with confetti for bopping on the top of fellow easter egg hunters. Dads of young children have to pretend to tie their shoes often so that their little toddlers can “surprise” them with a cascarone crunch. Caution: Do not mistake a hard-boiled egg for a cascarone and accidentally crunch one on top of best friend’s head. We’ve been there, done that, right Ellen?

