Proud Parents of Two Peaches


Our peach tree gave birth to TWO perfect peaches this year!  We were stunned.  I know it probably seems very insignificant, but it’s a milestone for us!  About ten years ago, we planted a peach pit after one of the girls wondered if a real peach tree would grow from a peach bought at a grocery store. Miraculously, it sprouted!  However, our little tree doesn’t have enough sun, it lives on a rocky hill, and frankly, we thought it would have surely perished long ago. Then all of a sudden, a few days ago, one of the girls said, “Hey everybody, look!  Our tree has two peaches!”  I was certain that upon inspection, we would discover holes made by birds or bugs, but no!  Both peaches are perfect.  We considered putting them on a pedestal, but, alas, they would rot, so tonight is peach night and we plan to cut each peach evenly and savor each and every bite!  Bon appetit!
