Don’t worry mom, we did not have a fire!
Lunch was over and I was heading up to the studio, when suddenly, I heard the sound of rushing water … unfortunately, it was coming from under my kitchen sink. The next thing I knew, water was filling our kitchen.
I raced to the location of the geyser. A pipe had broken and hot water was gushing everywhere. I tried to turn the handle, but to no avail. I was afraid that I was trying to turn the knob in the wrong direction. “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey,” I kept saying … still it remained frozen. So I called 911: “I am not having an emergency, but can you remind me what number I should call for a non-emergency emergency?” She told me that, actually, I was having an emergency and she would send the Fire Department over right away.
I was making dams out of old towels as fast as I could, when I heard the firetruck arrive. The firefighters (now flood-stoppers) raced in, and with proper tools and strong muscles, turned off the spewing geyser.
If they had not arrived so quickly, we would have been swimming in our living room. And, as if that wasn’t grand enough, they procured large wet-vacs and long floor squeegees from their truck, and began to remove the gallons of water that had filled our kitchen and living room. Wow! I was amazed. They didn’t stop until it was completely cleared of water and then they packed up their equipment and left like Superman after saving Metropolis. I began looking around at all the things which we would not have to replace because of the swift attention of our firefighters. And, I was grateful.