Inspiration Break: Lunch With A Zebra

Our weekend blogger, Julianna, reports today from studio east in Norfolk, Virginia, where she recently took an inspiration excursion to the zoo.


I had lunch with a zebra this week. Well, that was an odd sentence … but it’s true! I really did have lunch with a zebra, and a tiger, and several giraffes, and even an elephant. When the weather is nice, there is nothing quite like going to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk for a little lunch and a light stroll. We usually make some sandwiches, fill our backpacks and head off to see the animals. I have been to the Norfolk zoo about 50 times, so really, I am just eating lunch with my friends.

In addition to our lunches, I always pack my sketchbook, because there is nothing quite like drawing a zebra while looking at a zebra.




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