It’s September … the month to think about your ABC’s. And now, we have your 123’s! We have added (for the second time) more colorful fun to one of our most popular collections, Color Story! Bold bright NUMBERS are now available in watercolor magic. And! We have added some new watercolor words, too. So, scroll through to see the new rainbow reveals!

Rainbow Watercolor Numbers work wonderfully with our Alphabets! So, if you are looking to add some educational fun to your walls, COLOR STORY includes lots of choices. We think they look hip scattered across the wall, but also have a neat and tidy vibe when placed in a straight line. We can’t wait to see the ways you style your spaces.
After so many requests from you, we have also added three new words to the mix! Create, Explore, and Play were the finalists and we think they are real winners. Add one or all of them to your space to spark new discoveries.

We are so excited about this next addition … we have created a GIANT rainbow to add some instant happiness to your child’s space. This rainbow set includes three clouds and comes in both regular and large sizes. If you are ready to make a big impact, this graphic set of decals is perfect for you. And every now and then, you might find someone you love reading at the end of the rainbow!

So there you have it … again! More color to add to your life. You can read about the creation of the Color Story collection here on our blog. (But warning: you might be humming Rainbow Connectionfor the rest of the day!) :-)
Once you have created your rainbow magic, send us a picture! We look forward to seeing the different ways you design with these bright and beautiful kits. And, we hope you have a very happy and colorful Monday. Forecast: Monday Blues? … not today! … more like Monday Hues! ;-) Enjoy.