fun Etsy fabric finds
By Ellen Heck on June 24, 201010Read moreWe love getting to see the adorable things people are able to do with the materials and fabrics that we have made. Here are two cute finds that are currently on Etsy. This is a sweet Noah’s Ark Two of a Kind quilt by My Cute Idea from Salt Lake City (top and left). (It looks great hanging on your
Greetings from the Oregon Trail!
By Ellen Heck on June 21, 2010Read moreNot long after the Surtex extravaganza in the big city, my sweet husband and I took a four-day road trip from the Bay Area to Seattle and back. This prophetic fortune from our favorite restaurant was discookied the day before, so we were feeling good about the adventures ahead – I don’t think we even checked the weather forecast until
New York City, Part 3: Trattoria Dell’Arte
By Cathy on June 17, 2010Read moreNo matter how many hip new restaurants pop up in New York between our visits, I always try to save one meal for a visit to Trattoria Dell’Arte. This trip, we found ourselves there three times! It was only two blocks from our hotel and it was still as wonderful as I remembered. On our last night we popped in
New York City, Part 2: Sidewalk Stimulation
By Cathy on June 14, 2010Read moreI LOVE to walk everywhere in New York City. With every step there is new inspiration. Around every corner there is a seed for a new idea. Here are some visuals from a lazy walk back to our hotel: Fat ceramic chickens, jewel-toned glass pitchers, yet another cupcake shoppe, and a Mother’s Day cake oozing with flowers.
Re: those amazing fat chickens
By Ellen Heck on June 14, 2010Read moreI had forgotten about that great cake we saw. I’m glad you took a picture! The pattern on the surface of those balloon-like chickens reminded me of the skin on a ceramic antelope we saw at Donna Seager Gallery yesterday when we went to their Art of the Book exhibition. So here’s one more square of sidewalk stimulation – but