Hi everybody. It’s me, Jules, the daughter part of the Mej Mej mother-daughter duo. As many of you may know by now, I am pregnant and due in a month! Can you say yikes?! Anton, my husband, and I have been working on our son’s nursery for about 3 months now. But really it’s been in the works for much longer. Since I am surrounded by and designing children’s products daily, I have purchased and saved ideas for my future children’s rooms over the years. And now, drum roll please … our very own nursery room reveal is complete! So, let me take you on the journey of our soon-to-be son’s room!

Crib • Glider • Decals • Pillow • Mobile
We knew we wanted to have a neutral color palette. We have lots of color in other parts of our home, so I thought it would be nice to have a calm space that would (fingers crossed) inspire lots of restful naps and cozy snuggles. My mom and dad helped us choose our crib and glider from Project Nursery. Just a quick PSA for all of you soon-to-be moms: Project Nursery is a life saver. For me, the amount of research and reading that I did from the moment I discovered I was pregnant was bordering on inappropriate. What do I need? Is this the right product to get? Is it safe for my baby? Does it have good reviews? … Project Nursery was the one place where I felt confident just purchasing right off the bat. Their curated selection of children’s products is the best of the best.
After our furniture choices, came the fabric decals! My husband is from Denmark, and I thought it would be fun to add a forest similar to the one where he vacationed as a child. He and his family would forage for mushrooms, go fishing, and hike all around. I thought it would be fun to add those feelings of joy to our son’s space, since he will be half Danish, after all. So, our Mej Mej Evergreen collection was the perfect choice.

Lamp • Wooden Mushroom Toys • Longhorn
Since we added lots of Scandinavian flair to our little fella’s room, I thought we needed a touch of my Texas roots. Enter Pablo, the most adorable longhorn you ever did see. Pablo is created by blabla, which is one of my favorite children’s brands EVER. Every year, when our Mej Mej family team goes to the gift market in Atlanta, I always request to go by the blabla booth to see the new characters that have been released. So, we couldn’t wait to add Pablo to our own baby registry, and we were so excited to be gifted him by a dear friend. He is patiently waiting for his new human to arrive.
Also! … in my research, many moms suggested a dimmable lamp, as well as having a charger handy by your glider. So, I found this lamp which is a combo of both!

Mirror • Elephant • Sisal Rug • Wooden Camera Toy
On the other side of the room, we have an alphabet wall that includes the three additional letters that are a part of the Danish alphabet. Can you spot them there at the end? Four years ago, Anton’s cousin sent us a version of these knitted letters that spelled ‘God Jul,’ which means Merry Christmas in Danish. Ever since then, the full set of hand-crafted letters has been on my must-get-for my-future-child list. Anton’s mother, a linguist, was excited to send us these to encourage her future grandchild to speak Danish. We might have to start with “jeg elsker dig bedstemor!” (I love you grandma!)

Burp Cloths • Tubby Todd Products • Rainbow Teether • Owl Softie • Swaddle • Whale Teether
In our changing station we have all sorts of things that I’m sure will change with time. But for now, we have diapers, lotions, wipes, toys to distract during changing, and of course burp cloths! And one of the fun things about these burp cloths is that my mom and I designed them with the team at Primitives By Kathy! I love that I will get to dab his little chin with something that I helped create. Their super sweet team gifted our baby-on-the-way with the most luxurious Tubby Todd products a baby could ask for. Everything smells amazing. So if you are on the fence about Tubby Todd products … jump over that fence. Get them. They are heavenly.

Spice Racks • Basket • Drawers • Hangers • Decals
The closet is quite small, so I felt that it needed to be super organized. Many moms suggested organizing his clothes by size, so each drawer is ready to go, starting with newborn! I also used the ever popular IKEA spice rack hack to place his shoes up high so I wouldn’t have to bend over all the time. Then, I added some Mej Mej decals inside his closet to mirror the larger ones in the main part of his room.
Do you see that basket on top of the drawers? It is filled with diapers, burp cloths, wipes, a distracting toy, and pacifiers. It’s a mobile diaper changing station! My husband suggested this after our friends told us that they changed their son in many locations throughout their house. So, we will be ready for any poopmergency.

Spice Racks • Hold Me Doll • Lollipop Monitor
The last part of our son’s room is one of my favorites. Behold another use of the IKEA spice rack hack. This time, I backed the display with some more Mej Mej decals, and then I used the little shelves to add some of my cherished items to feature above the crib. Two of my favorite things are a silver cup and rattle that my grandmother used when she was a child.
These racks were also an excellent place to add our baby monitor+camera. We love this awesome gadget. It was a breeze to set up and it even plays music!
So there you have it, our son’s nursery! Woah, that will never get old … saying I have a son is crazy. I can’t wait for him to be in this space snuggling up with us. That’s all for now! See you again when he is earthside!
Oh wait, one more thing. If you are interested in watching the decals go up, follow the link below!
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