The newest addition to the Color Story collection is our BIGGEST one yet. After many requests, we have added our popular rainbow in a new size … over 6 feet tall! And today seems like the perfect day to introduce this colorful wonder. The world is beginning to finally open up for traveling, dining, playing and hugging. REAL hugging.

Do you remember this time last year? All over the world, children (and grown-ups) were posting rainbows of hope everywhere? It was as though humankind was uniting together with crayons and chalk to hold each other up, and say ‘we can work together’ and come out stronger on the other side. And, we did! :-) Yay us!

So here is one gigantic rainbow to say that there really is a treasure on the other side of the rainbow. And we love that children all over the world can wake up to this cheerful wall decor. Because when you see a rainbow, a smile just comes upon you. (See … are you smiling right about now?) :-)

And thank you to all of you for supporting our family business during the past year. You filled our days with rainbows (and rainbow dots and triangles!) and showed us that dreams really do come true. We are so grateful.
And we hope that you have fun TOGETHER as you tip-toe back into the world. Are you feeling a little bit like the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz as they peeked out to see who had arrived in Munchkin Land. :-) We do, too!
Have a great weekend … and we hope our new gigantic rainbow makes your day a little bit brighter.